Calm sea, magnificent nature. The time that flows slowly. Setouchi Retreat Aonagi is located in the Seto Inland Sea National Park, the largest national park in Japan. The Setouchi Shimanami Kaido (Setouchi Shimanami Sea Route), which connects Hiroshima and Onomichi, and Dogo Onsen, the oldest hot spring in Japan, are also available for your enjoyment. Please make use of Aonagi as a sightseeing base.
Imabari/Shimanami Kaido area

Shimanami Sea Route
◎ Excellent tai-meshi rice served near the world’s first triple suspension bridge
The world’s first triple suspension bridge, the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge, opened in April 2006. The sea bream caught in the waters off Kurushima Kaikyo at the foot of the bridge is famous, and the tai rice at “Oshio-so” is so fresh and delicious that people stand in line to try it. At the Yoshiumi Iki-Ikiikan Roadside Station, a popular menu is a barbecue where seafood from the fish tank in the fresh fish corner is grilled on a charcoal grill. Itoyama Park and the Kurushima Kaikyo Observation Hall on its grounds offer good views and easy access from the city.
◎Gumiroyama Observation Park boasts the best view of the Shimanami Kaido.
If you want to casually enjoy the island atmosphere, renting a bicycle to go to Oshima may be a good option. From the observatory at the top of the 307.8-meter-high Mt. Kameiro on Oshima, you can enjoy the sunset over the ocean and the illuminated Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge, regardless of the time of day. In addition to the views that can be enjoyed, the complex, designed by architect Kengo Kuma, is also highly acclaimed in the architectural community for its intricate design.

Towel Museum ICHIHIRO
◎ Museum that combines towels and art, a rarity in the world
Imabari City is the largest towel production area in Japan. The Towel Museum, a rarity in the world, is dotted with European-style gardens, a towel museum supervised by a picture book author, and a towel collection store facilities, where visitors can enjoy a cup of tea while being enchanted by the fluffy and cozy towels. Visitors will be spoiled for choice in souvenirs, including original products unique to Japan’s number one towel-producing region and specialties of Shikoku.
◎ Attractive gardens as well as towels
There are things like a “Towel Production Demonstration Corner” where visitors can watch towels being spun into fabric, but that is not the only attraction of the Towel Museum. A leisurely stroll through the European Garden, a 10,000-square-meter area that shows the changing faces of the four seasons, is also a pleasant experience.

Imabari Castle (Japan)
◎ 難攻不落の要塞、築城の名手会心の城
City Center

Saka no Ue no Kumo Museum
◎ Follow in the footsteps of three brothers, Masaoka Shiki, Akiyama Yoshiko, and Masayuki.
Ryotaro Shiba’s novel “Clouds over the Hill” depicts a growing Meiji Japan through the lives of three brothers, Shiki Masaoka, Yoshiko Akiyama, and Masayuki Akiyama, all from Matsuyama.
◎ The architecture designed by Tadao Ando is also worth seeing.
The museum, which opened on April 28, 2007 in the greenery at the foot of Matsuyama Castle, was designed by Tadao Ando. Visitors can enjoy Tadao Ando’s architecture and follow in the footsteps of the three artists by walking around the exhibition rooms connected by a triangular-shaped ramp, feeling the passage of time as well as history.

Matsuyama Castle
◎ One of the 12 castles in Japan with an existing castle tower built in the Edo period
It is one of the 12 castles in Japan with an existing castle tower built in the Edo period and is selected as one of the 100 best castles in Japan. Standing on top of a small mountain, the castle tower commands a panoramic view of the city and the Seto Inland Sea. Kato Yoshiaki started the construction of the castle. In the Matsuyama Castle Ninomaru Historic Garden, performances of firelit Noh plays, a favorite of the feudal lord, are held, and the garden is lively in all seasons.
◎ Ropeway or lift to the top of the mountain
Standing on top of a small mountain, the castle tower commands a panoramic view of the city and the Seto Inland Sea. It is a 5-minute walk from the Iyo Railway’s “Daichaido” stop, plus a 3-minute ropeway ride or 6-minute lift ride. The retro Bo-chan Train, a restored steam locomotive from the Meiji era that runs through Matsuyama City, is a fun way to enjoy the sights of Matsuyama City.

Bansuiso (name of a restaurant)
◎ A purely French-style Western-style building that conveys Taisho Romanticism to the present day and is the pride of Japan.
The residence, Bansuiso, is a French Renaissance-style Western-style house built in 1922 by Count Sadakoto Hisamatsu, a descendant of the lord of Matsuyama, as his villa. It is the oldest reinforced concrete structure in Ehime Prefecture and is a National Important Cultural Property. Visitors can experience the glamorous Taisho Romanticism that still remains today. The construction cost is said to be approximately 300,000 yen. The main building of the prefectural government was constructed in 1929 at a cost of about 1,000,000 yen, and the fact that the much smaller annex cost about 1/3 of that, or 300,000 yen, 7 to 8 years before the main building, shows how huge the cost was.
◎ Renowned as a social gathering place for the royal family as well as prominent figures in the political and business worlds.
The purely French-style building, which was favored by Count Sadamo, who spent much of his life in France as an army officer stationed in France, was the most prestigious social gathering place of its time, and was always a stopover for members of the Imperial Family when they came to the prefecture. It is also said that the completion of the building was hastened to coincide with the visit of Prince Hirohito (later Emperor Showa) to Matsuyama.
Dogo area in the city

Matsuyama Shiki Memorial Museum
◎ 近代俳句の基礎を築いた子規の生涯に触れる
◎ 夏目漱石と正岡子規が共に過ごした愚陀仏庵に思いを馳せて

stone temple
◎ 四国八十八ヶ所の札所の1つ、国宝・重要文化財も数多く保有するお寺
四国八十八ヶ所 51番札所で、参道が回廊形式となっており、境内はお遍路さんや観光客の多い霊場です。お遍路の元祖・衛門三郎は、息を引き取る間際に、弘法大師から石を授かり、その後、この地方の豪族に生まれた子供が右手にその石を握りしめていたということから、寺号「石手寺」はこの伝説に由来しています。51番食堂の名物「おやき」は昔、お遍路さんの接待のために出されていたのだそうです。
◎ 四国霊場では随一ともいえる文化財の寺院

Dogo Giyaman Glass Art Museum
◎ 江戸時代から大正時代にかけて作られた貴重なガラス工芸品の数々
◎ 夜のライトアップと併設のカフェダイニングがおすすめ

Dogo Onsen Honkan
◎ 温泉施設として日本で初めて国の重要文化財に指定された本館
◎ 朝の一番風呂を告げる刻太鼓の音、夜の振鷺閣のライトアップが見所
Saijo and Niihama area

Myntopia Besshi “Edge Contestant Zone
◎ 別子銅山の産業遺構を活かしたテーマパーク
◎ 東洋のマチュピチュと呼ばれる最奥の「東平ゾーン」

Railroad History Park in SAIJO
◎ 四国鉄道文化館では、0系新幹線や蒸気機関車の展示も
◎ 国鉄総裁として夢の超特急・東海道新幹線を実現させた十河信二記念館

Besshi Copper Mine Memorial Hall
◎ 地元に築いた住友発展のモニュメント
◎ 5月9日の正午にだけ天窓から「歓喜の陽光」が差し込む
Uchiko and Ozu area

Ikazaki Kite Museum
◎ 約400年の歴史を持つ凧の町に、世界中の凧が集結
◎ 予約をすると凧づくり体験も可能

Uchiko’s Yokaicho Gokoku District
◎ 大正時代の娯楽を伝える内子座
◎ 八日町護国地区に広がる伝統的な街並み