Savor a moment of culinary delight, filled with the freshest seasonal blessings from the bountiful Seto Inland Sea and surrounding mountains. Japanese cuisine that makes the best use of these seasonal ingredients offers visually appealing beauty and a deep, lingering flavor with a hint of discovery. Enjoy a special dining experience in a tranquil atmosphere, where you can connect with the region’s inherited Japanese food culture.
Dinner -Kaiseki Cuisine






Dinner -Kaiseki Cuisine
Ehime is blessed with a mild climate and abundant natural ingredients. Please enjoy the changing seasons with all your senses through Japanese cuisine that emphasizes local production for local consumption as well as aroma and a sense of the seasons, which are important in Japanese cuisine.
鯛は漬け焼きにし、地魚のアラから引いた出汁で炊く地元産の米と合わせます。淡い旨味に 梅の酸味と紫蘇が香る、優しい味わいです。
瀬戸内だけでなく、太平洋まで続く愛媛の海から届く季節の恵み。四季折々の旬を告げる 多様な魚をご賞味ください。
「白子泡雪仕立て 金目鯛のポワレ」
脂の乗った金目鯛に、白子を混ぜて蒸したふわふわのメレンゲを泡雪に見立てて。爽やかな菊菜のソースとエストラゴンの香りを合わせ ご堪能ください。
香りよい柚子をくり抜いて器にし、季節の食材をあしらいます。甘めの味噌のなめらかさと 柚子の焼ける香ばしさと共にどうぞ。
活けで届く伊勢海老を、お好みに応じ 造りや焼きでご賞味いただけます。その日の漁次第ではありますが、市場に良いものが並んだ際に 限定で仕入れをいたします。ご注文に合わせ 美しく仕立てられた料理と、ソムリエがお勧めする日本酒・ワインとのマリアージュをお楽しみください。
穏やかな気候の下で自然の恵みを受け ゆったりと育つ愛媛の和牛。そのシルキーな食感を最大限に引き出す 繊細な火入れを照覧ください。
Ehime is a well-known sake production area, and we offer a wide selection of unique local sake and wines of all types from around the world.
It enhances the cuisine by accompanying the seasons and brings new pleasures and discoveries.

Chef de Cuisine Hideya Honjo

Born in Osaka in 1970, he entered the culinary world at the age of 15, learning the basics of Japanese cuisine at a kappo restaurant in Osaka and a hotel in Kurashiki. After working as head chef at Hotel Associa Takayama Resort for about 8 years, he was involved in the opening of a new luxury ryokan in Atami as head chef, and after joining Onna Chishin in 2020, he served as head chef and advisor at several facilities, contributing to the training of young chefs, In September 2024, he will take on the challenge of opening up new possibilities for visually beautiful Japanese cuisine.
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1988. Starting at Hotel New Otani Tokyo, he learned service in a wide range of starred Grand Maison, bistros, and wine bars in Tokyo, and established his own unique style. With a passion for Ehime, his roots, he joined Onshin Corporation in 2018. After joining the company, while visiting sake breweries in Ehime, he was impressed by his encounters with rare local sake. His pairings fused with wines from around the world have attracted many repeat customers and received high praise. He was the first sommelier in Ehime Prefecture to receive the JSA Sommelier Excellence certification.

Breakfast -Japanese

For breakfast, which will energize you for the day, we offer a gentle Japanese-style meal that focuses on seasonal ingredients.
Ehime rice cooked in an earthenware pot and served with seasonal dishes.

Two types of seating are available in the dining room.
Open counter seating under a high atrium facing a large glass window,
Or a table by the window for more serenity,
You will be guided to one of the seats.